Hello and welcome to this video! Here we will be seeing the content of @MrBossFTW , @Sernando and @MikeyGaming. They are all clickbaiters, this all started on 2013 when Sernando started making clickbait content to YouTube, especially about the famous video game Grand Theft Auto 5. After that, the clickbait of Grand Theft Auto VI started to spread everywhere, and MrBossFTW now steals thumbnails, clickbait thumbnails, clickbait titles, and all of his videos is just explaining the same thing over and over again until he tells you to like the video and subscribe.
What you should do?
You should stop watching these content creators, and also unsubscribe them. They are not good content creators and are bad for the algorithm of YouTube. Never watch these videos, report them to YouTube instead, also report their channel and all other videos and posts so that YouTube can suspend them to teach them a lesson. This is a very important topic and you should think about it.
0:00 – The Introduction
1:30 – MrBossFTW and other channels
Who are these YouTubers on the video?
The YouTubers that are in this video are Sernando, YouTubedude and MrBossFTW. Mrbossftw and Sernando are very well known clickbait content creators you should definitely stay away from as soon as possible.
About me / my channel
I (Mars) am a small YouTube content creator who makes videos for fun and not for money. I started YouTube months ago and I am active here every day and will be making this kind of content a lot in the future. I would really appreciate if you would subscribe to me, that means a lot to me.
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