Today @urmilaaa and me are going to play GTA 5 without breaking a single law! We have to follow all rules and complete missions in Grand Theft Auto 5 or else Urmila has to do Punishments given by Police Inspector Patankar!
Btw you all know I am an Android Lover and I love using Circle to Search feature! Its honestly like Magic. Circle, highlight, scribble, or tap text or images anywhere on your screen to select and search for them on Google. Android is definitely amazing for Gaming and I play lots of Android games which are also Free to Download on Google Play Store! But along with those games these other features are
Happy to be part of Team Android
Suggest me some more android games to play in my next videos!
I become Police in GTA 5 and Urmila is driving in Grand theft auto 5 and doing missions without breaking any rules. This gta 5 video is super funny in hindi. Hope you enjoy!
my insta – https://www.instagram.com/mythpat
#gta5 #grandtheftautov #mythpat #teamandroid