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You ever wanted to trip balls on Peyote, turn into an Animal, then travel to a EDM concert hosted by a Druglord on a Narco Island? If so, look no further then this video right here. This is some of the most fun I’ve had since the any vehicle on cayo perico glitch. This is absolutely hilarious.
Long story short, you turn into an animal when you take these peyote plants. If you then make your way over to the Airport Cayo Perico Icon, you can travel to Cayo Perico in Animal form. Turns out that the game starts to break in hilarious ways when you do that.
If you have a friend who has a ramp buggy or the new Slamtruck with a ramp, you can take a ride on said vehicle and it’ll make your life a little easier as far as traveling to the airport. Otherwise, the Peyote plant near the airport respawns every 48 minutes (or every in game day).
That’s it for now people!! Plenty more stuff coming soon! Including the rest of the OG Criminal Mastermind, maybe a compilation of some more animals doing this hilarious glitch, some more Cayo Perico stuff and much more! Until then, Hope You Enjoy!!
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OVER 37K SUBS!!! Another 1K over the last few days!! All of you are awesome! Please consider subscribing if you haven’t already! Would love to make it to 40K next! Hope you Enjoy!!