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Founder: 115 Stig & Seven07Doper

Prep call mechanic and have him deliver a faggio and just have it outside. Have a mobile command center in your moc (when doing the driving inside of facility glitch u sometimes spawn in passive) this part is not necessary if your using elegys. It’s just to get out of passive if your in it so u can register as Mc. Requesting faggio’s makes it go a lil faster.

1. Do the drive in facility glitch.
Steps for that: 1. Go outside of facility — 2. Go to phone, play quick job, doosmday heist, wait until a possible match appears on the bottom right, quickly go to your phone and click play quick job, now exit your phone and go into your facility.
2. Drive elegy retro OR ANY LOWRIDER to the yellow exit bunker circle.
3. Have it facing the other cars stored in the facility (toward the side that has the vehicle management circle). And the drivers side against the little pole thing where the circle is.
4. Sandwich the other side with the faggio/elegy rh8 so you can teleport in and out of the retro.
5. Go on the driver’s side of the retro.
6. Stand in yellow circle and press x and triangle at same time or A and Y on xbox.
7. If done correctly you should see character teleport into car but then see them pressing the buttons to exit the facility.
8. You should end up outside in the retro and the plates will have changed.Drive retro to your moc. Drive out and back in. Walk out of your MOC.
9. Once you have entered then exited the MOC you should no longer be in passive. Start up Mc club and then u can request faggios
10. Request new faggio and just leave it outside or if using elegys call mechanic an have 1 delivered. Go in and repeat putting cars into place to teleport.

There is no need to end the drive in the facility glitch as you can call your mechanic while in the glitch, even if you aren’t gonna use the Mc you can call mechanic and have car delivered. You also don’t have to have the elegy inside MOC either it just has to be outside. Video is of me using elegys. My friend Hdrex actually found this glitch last night at around 10 pm so in video I did not credit the ppl who made this thread besides nhjyys for finding the drive cars in facility glitch.

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