💸Donate here: https://streamelements.com/mrbtfo-4637/tip
Text to speech = $1+, Videos = $5+
(No racist, hateful donations keep them clean)
Website: https://www.mrbtfo.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mrbtfo
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrbtfo
Stream: https://www.mixer.com/mrbtfo
Discord https://www.mrbtfo.com/discord
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrbtfo
🎥Clipping Stream🎥
Download the www.neatclip.com plugin for chrome or firefox to make clips on stream, if you make some good ones post them on the discord highlight section.
Keep the chat clean please, no racism, no slander or harrassment, normal banter is fine and especially no raiding.
If you were banned unfairly please email mrbtfo@gmail.com if not add MrBTFO#4902 on discord.