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Shaolin Shadowboxing & The Wu-Tang Sword Style – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLSefwsluR0
A lucky few of you may have seen the screwed up version of this I put up yesterday. I’m on a little bit of a vacation/break right now, so I couldn’t get it fixed as quickly as I needed too. Turns out I had to just delete and re-upload it because the ending was completely cut out. But hey, that’s life. Here we are now people. More stuff coming soon!
OH OH OCTAVIAN – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q01-pU_cTXE
You know. honestly people, I really meant to get this uploaded on Friday after the update came out. But uhhhh I got kinda burnt out this past week. I had been going pretty hard to make the Discord and Twitch better. I didn’t realize how complicated both of those could really get. Then I went to my girl’s house on Saturday and was once again faced with the decision of making/editing new videos or clapping them cheeks again. I think you can imagine what I went with. Still have some other things to do to make the Twitch and Discord extra dope, but I’m making progress.
MAKE SOME NOISE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdgLMslbDuY
Also, I’m still going to upload these videos here first and foremost people, so don’t worry about that. Oh man, the amount of videos I’m gonna make about GTA 6. IT’S GONNA BE A WRAP when that launches. But yeah, here it is, the Gold Glitch 2.0 and Back to Back Glitch (B2B / Bogdan 2.0) after the latest weekly update. Both still work just fine. For those that don’t know about this, check the video out right here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoAA6KOeETk I did all three of the major glitches and covered each of them. There should be even more links in the description of that one. Uhhhm yeah. That’s it. Imagine I started doing the shpeal here lol. Hope You Enjoy!!
NAS THE DON – https://vimeo.com/126191682 (Not on YouTube for some reason)
Told you it would be another Gold Glitch video Morty. I said that in the last description. You know, you’d think in these past few days, I’d have been able to find us a way out of here……I did not Morty. We may be fucked here.
NASTY NAS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIKfFBBH8uo
Find Other Players for Finale Runs or whatever below DISCORD link – https://discord.gg/Y3tH8CR
Watch live at – https://www.twitch.tv/flipperachi212 or https://mixer.com/flipperachi212
I cant believe I’m already almost at 22K Subs!!! All of you guys & gals are awesome! Please consider subscribing if you haven’t already! Would love to make it to 25K next! Thanks!! Hope you Enjoy.