Just in time for GTA San Andreas’ 20th anniversary we get back to fails, glitches and funny moments. and celebrate with another extra long episode. This will be the last one before the anniversary on October 26th, where I have another top 100 fails compilation planned.
If you have any GTA clips you want to have featured on this series, you can send them to “swegitmaximum@gmail.com”.
Please make sure to include your Youtube username or channel link in the email.
GTA Fails & funny moments playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38ZdSeMnSnI4XJ7aT7b69lhwNF5DztnT
Thanks to the following people for sending clips:
Mathieu D., @monsieur_addax, @GSF2000, @musichubch, @DirtyImpala, Orleandeson, @ashutoshkumar3864, Brokeboyxanxan, Mr Bladezy, @Bully_Guire_Studios, JoshuaPro8910, @QuanAnhAnimationMM, Anekwe C., Zavion Fin14, Hitalo C., @luxe913, Toyota, @Indorika979, @RU.Valanorovka, @noob123yt, Kearl L., Mana J., Muhammed A., Hitesh K.