Episode #6 of casual vs speedrun in gta v – this is the one with the blimp. if you don’t know why thats special, you are in for a treat.
This episode contains a bit of action in the air, ground, and sea, and my god the ocean is so boring in this game, boating is so lame in game compared to real life. I forgot to mention in the video but from this episode on, the speedrun is playing on the downgraded version of GTA V that we use, while the casual is playing on the latest patch. it doesn’t cause any major changes here besides a few extra waves near the end of the Hood Safari Mission though.
In other good news, I should be able to make future episodes of Casual vs Speedrun much quicker. I realized I had some weird recording settings (NVENC CQB) that was causing my recording bitrate to be at 130k when it only needed to be at 30k, so that was causing mega lag on my new PC (thanks again to rimash for helping hook me up with that). So it should mean more videos quicker in the future as I can edit and review quicker. In FriendlyBaron news, during the past week I also improved my PB in the Classic% speedrun and am still 2nd in GTA V, but only off WR by 4 minutes instead of 7 minutes, and I should be battling for WR within another month or two. I’m very excited.
I am playing as both the casual player and the speedrunner, so it’s like facing against myself with a 10 foot pole. For the casual player, I play the game as if I’ve watched a GTA V speedrunner play the game once or so, so I know the mission order and where to go between missions, then play the missions as the game instructs you, giving the most shockingly average gameplay you’ve ever seen.
The Classic% Category in GTAV Speedrunning is the most competitive category, you can see the leaderboards and view all the details and rules here if you so wish: https://www.speedrun.com/gtav
If you like these heavy commentary videos of GTA V Speedrun stuff, or GTA Online stuff, checkout my other videos. A playlist of every GTA V Casual vs Speedrun can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOtYMmhcUb1AF-i_gc5M3pGeV-mb3cLFM
If you would like to see the time difference spreadsheet for the Casual vs Speedrun, you can do so here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15JcmGTOMksIeCVul_ig4HoOPurVywovQAP0ELZgFPKc/edit#gid=0
Music this episode:
Oliviaw – The Stolen Car (https://soundcloud.com/olivaw/the-stolen-car)
GTAV – Dead Man Walking Mission Music Theme
GTAV – North Yankton Memories – Three’s Company Mission Music Theme
GTAV – Hood Safari Mission Theme
Monty Pyhton and the Holy Grail – Intermission Music
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