After the sabotage winter dlc, the car duplicate glitch has been patched. I found a workaround which is even more easy, and is working very well. When you are using full upgraded future shock vehicles, you can make a lot of money by selling the duplicated cars. So let’s get starting.
As first requirement you need to own a nightclub and a Speedo van on garage level B1. Store the car which you want to duplicate in the MOC, and drive the car out. Exit the bunker with your car. Now we are going to start a contact mission, and cancel the request after you see populating lobby at the right bottom of your screen. It’s very important that you wait till populating lobby appears. To cancel the request, open your phone and select the quick join app. Backout the menu to cancel. When you did this right, the car icon will disappear on your minimap. When the car is still visible on the minimap, start a new session and try it again.
Drive the car in the bunker. Park your car somewhere in the bunker, and go back outside on foot. Transport yourself to the nightclub. It’s important not to use any of your personal vehicles, I’m using my sparrow. Enter the nightclub garage on level 1. Enter the speedo van, and exit the garage. When the glitch is still active, the speedo should disappear. Go back to the bunker. Enter the car and store it in your MOC. Accept the alert to replace the car and you successfully duplicated your vehicle.
This vehicle in the mobile operations center is the duped car. I recommend you to sell this car after you did this glitch. Let’s take a look where the original vehicle has been stored. It’s important you start a new session.
The original vehicle has been swapped for your speedo van, in the nightclub garage. I recommend you to store this original vehicle in another garage right away, otherweise there is a chance you will loose your original car. I’m going to store my car in one of my other personal garage. Request the duplicated vehicle from the MOC and drive it to the LS customs.
Start a new session to get the Speedo van back in the nightclub garage at level b1.
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