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SUP FOLKS. I’ve been meaning to upload this sooner for everyone who isn’t in the know. Long story short, this week is 50% bonus payouts on the Cayo Perico Heist. Meaning the Pink Diamond is worth over $2 million just by itself!! That right there is pretty damn nice people. So make sure you take advantage as much as possible for the next two days or whenever this bonus week next rolls around.
Now would you look at all that BONUS SHMONEY right here? It’s enough to give me A HARD ONNN, NIIIICE. Here is the breakdown. The Pink Diamond primary target is worth $2,145,000 this week with the bonus. But due to a glitch, it only reflects the “normal” value of the target until the final payout screen.
The two piles of gold are worth about $500K. Gold and other secondary targets are the only things that aren’t paying out 50% bonus shmoney this week. Even the office safe has bonus payout also, for a max potential of $200K this week (or maybe 150K, idk for sure). Then of course, the Elite Challenge payout of an additional $100K on Hard mode. Add all this up, minus Pavel/Fencing fees and you’ve got over $2.5 MILLION. Not too shabby.
Now, for the record, I was editing this and my software froze on me. So I decided to just accept what I had done instead of cleaning it up extra extra nice. So it’s slightly longer then I meant to make it. Could have cut out a bit more here and there to shorten it down. But I wanted to just make something live asap. So forgive me if any transitions between cuts aren’t as smooth as I normally like to make them.
That’s all for now folks!! Plenty more stuff coming soon! Including the 6 Piles of gold video I’m uploading 10 hours. Until then, Hope You Enjoy!!
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35K SUBS!!!! IN ONE DAY WE GOT 1000 MORE!!!!! HOLY FUCK. All of you are awesome!! Please consider subscribing if you haven’t already! Would love to make it to 40K next!!! 40K jeez. That’s niiiiiice lol. Hope you Enjoy!!