*AFTER DLC* (TUTORIAL) GTA 5 Cayo Perico Heist Replay Glitch in 2022 (PC/PS4/PS5/XBOX)

Today we’ll be going over how to do the Heist Replay Glitch for the Cayo Perico heist in GTA 5 Online, I have added chapters to make it easier to follow along with the video. The main reason I wanted to make a video like this is because a lot of the other videos are 10+ months old and I thought that bringing out a new but similar video would help reassure players that this glitch is still around and still as easy to do!

I hope this tutorial helps anyone that may be new to the game! This was my second ever time doing this glitch (I first attempted it in an upcoming Legit Series Episode) and I’d say that it’s extremely easy to get the hang of!

How to do it:

When the “Heist Complete” message comes up on screen, unplug your Ethernet cable “or” enable Airplane mode, after about 5-10 seconds you will disconnect from online and then be sent back to Story Mode, from there re-plug your Ethernet cable back into your device “or” turn off airplane mode, then reconnect to rockstar servers and then head back into online and you may notice a “heist complete” screen pop up “OR” a message in the bottom left stating that saving has been successful will pop up, you will notice that you have received the money from the Cayo Perico Heist and then if you go back to your Kosatka, you will notice that the heist preps are still all completed and you will have the same primary and secondary targets still there!

———— Social Media Links ————
🖥️Website: https://sonnyuploads.com/
✅Discord: https://discord.gg/fDxxAajKuR
✅Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SonnyDownloads
✅Tutorial Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SonnyTutorials

————-TIME STAMPS—————-
0:00 Intro – SonnyUploads.com
0:16 Is it patched?
0:33 “Required” Preps
1:05 Console Users
2:15 Get your Ethernet Cable / Airplane Mode READY!
2:28 Disconnect Cable / Enable Airplane mode when Green Screen Appears!
2:50 Can I get banned?
3:08 Set your spawn to ‘Kosatka’
3:15 Heist Passed!
4:20 Did it work?
4:30 Success!
4:45 Subscribe!

-=Contact Info=-
If you need to contact me, email me at Sonnyshipp.business@gmail.com
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future collaborations, thank you!