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Molecular MageXD EXPOSED ( Face Reveal )
Molecular MageXD EXPOSED ( Face Reveal )
The title refers to the Mr boss ftw fan that put an image in his thumbnail that he thought was a Molecular MageXD Face reveal .
So a Mrbossftw fanboy of Gta 6 clickbait decided to try to expose Molecular MageXD ( me)
Many of you know about the Gta Gentleman situation and how the community heroically came together to help JK Gam3rs and Tjlever.
Also this creator calls his community Drama Nation which is stolen from Keemstars Drama Alert Nation.
Well there was ONE person in the community that just absolutely hated that the little creators came together to make a video and help them out. However it turns out he a small Gta Online youtuber made one himself but took it down because it didnt get the views he expected. Keep in mind he waited to make a video about the situation till after someone as big as TGG made one.
Myself and Fat Chinese Gaming were among the first to make a video about Gta Gentleman filing strikes against channels.
Now do not be surprised by how slow the creator is that made this expose video on me… as hes a huge fan of MrBossftw according to him Mr boss was his inspiration for starting a youtube channel. As well as he says ZacCoxTV makes original youtube content LOL.
Thank you The Gaming Jew once again for that awesome Peter Griffin cover.
Any Creators that brought awareness to Gta Gentleman Striking content creators thank you JK Gam3rs, Fat Chinese Gaming , TheProfessional , GtaMen , Sonny Evans , TGG , Destroyerz , and many other wonderful creators big and small. NO MATTER HOW SMALL your Channel you are amazing for bringing the Gta Community Together. Thank you all!
My most recent video about the Gta Gentleman situation
Gta Gentleman vs the Gta Online Community
MrBoss FTW fans video exposing me:
Meet The Parasite Of The GTA Community.. (The Man Behind The Mask Molecular MageXD)
He thought he did a face reveal of me in the thumbnail LOL