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Some glitch testing right here for you folks. The Personal Vehicle Glitch and the Primary Target Glitch. Apart from the Solo Gold Glitch 3.0 / Door Glitch (which also still works), these are two of the most useful glitches of the Cayo Perico Update.
Now, one of the most commonly asked questions in the comments section is whether these glitches have been patched or not. Not surprising, as Rockstar often patches some of the newly discovered glitches rather quickly. However, keep in mind that there are little missteps that can cause these glitches to stop working. Like trying to call your CEO assisstent as an MC president.
Eventually, I imagine these glitches will be patched. Maybe in the summertime. Maybe as early as next week. But as of 2/22/2021, these three major glitches still work. The Personal Vehicles on Cayo Perico Glitch, the Changing Primary Targets Glitch, and the Solo Gold Glitch 3.0 / Door Glitch. Which gives me a real big hard on. Niiiice.
That’s it for now people! Plenty more stuff coming out soon including Top 10 lists, More Criminal Mastermind and More Cayo Perico Heist Stuff. Until then, Hope You Enjoy!!
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