#gta5 #gtaonline #cayoperico
Friend In Video:
-Join Our Discord (13+): https://discord.gg/ckhwQgJNNb
Our Discord is for anyone who want to meet from discord, or having a friendly chat with others heist players.
-Join Our Crew: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/heists_mates_248/wall
This Crew is for helping each other out on the heist
(Current Moderator For Discord)
-Chriss: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqK0hAwPTEGiPTSEhlwvJYg
-Blue Bear: https://youtube.com/c/BlueBearYT
-Agent Skittle:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/randomweirdthings248/
-PC Spec: i5 9400f, GTX 1660ti, 16 Ram
GTA 5 Setting:
15-90 FPS in Cayo Perico
70-110 FPS in Los Santos
Dying FPS in Casino lobby
60-80 FPS in Casino Heist
-DirectX Version DirectX 11
-Screen Type: Windowed Borderless
-Resolution: 2560 x 1440
-Aspect Ratio: Auto
-Refresh Rate: Auto (its automaticly auto because of the windowed borderless)
-Outpout Monitor: 1
-MSAA: Off
-VSync: Off
-Pause Game On Focus Loss: On
-Population Density: 30%
-Population Variety: 30%
-Distance Scaling: 50%
-Texture Quality: Very High
-Shader Quality: Very High
-Shadow Quality: normal
-Reflection Quality: Ultra
-Reflection MSAA: X2
-Water Quality: High
-Particles Quality: Very High
-Grass Quality: Normal (this one is killing our FPS)
-Soft Shadows: Softer
-Post FX: High
-Motion Blur Strength: 0%
-In-Game Depth Of Field Effects: Off
-Anisotropic Filtering: X16 (the lower this setting, the uglier the road in the far distances)
-Ambient Occlusion: High
-Tessellation: Very High
-Restore Defaults: No Please Don’t
0:00 – abc
0:08 – #1 Longfin+Suicide+Door Glitch (sneaky)
08:18 – #2 Longfin+Half Naked+Door Glitch (sneaky)
16:10 – #3 Longfin+Door Glitch (aggressive)
23:29 – #4 Longfin+Main Dock (sneaky)
31:12 – #5 Longfin+Suicide+Gold Glitch (sneaky)
38:08 – #6 Longfin+Drainage+Gold Glitch (sneaky)
46:19 – #7 Longfin+Suicide+Aggressive
54:28 – #8 Longfin+Suicide+ Aggressive Speedrun